PART 2 : Top 2023 Travel Destinations to put on your bucket list

 Top 2023 Travel Destinations to put on your bucket list: PART 2 

(Read part 1 here)

6. Bangkok, Thailand 

Why it’s worth it: They say skip it. I say, don’t you dare. This is not a “2-day stop over” city. Bangkok has a vibe and an energy unlike any other and boy, will it suck you in. Just visiting all of the ancient temples alone will keep you busy for days. The temples will pull emotions out of you and make you feel a spiritual connection that hits you like a ton of bricks. Spend your mornings visiting temples, your afternoons swimming on a rooftop pool, your evenings eating Thai street food and hunting for cheap Thai massages! This city is not a stop over. It’s a curious traveler’s paradise. 

What to expect: Impossible traffic, soaking wet humidity, insanely tasty street food, bustling street vendors, emotional buddhist temples that will take up all of the space in your camera roll. Expect to be overwhelmed in a good way. Expect kindness from the local Thai people and to say thank you while bowing your head. 

When to go: Dry season: November until March 

7. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 

Why it’s worth it: Because not only is it one of the wonders of the world, it’s one of the largest waterfalls in the world! Move over Niagara, this beauty is a beast. While it’s not the highest standing fall, Victoria Falls boasts the largest amount of free falling water in the world. The force is felt when you stand anywhere near the falls, commanding a profound sense of respect. Want to get wild? Swim in the famous “Devil’s pool” from the Zambian side where you will literally be living on the edge. 

What to expect: Expect to wear rain gear as there is a ton of mist when taking a tour around the falls. Expect to hear thunderous roaring energy from the volume of water pouring over the cliffs so loudly that you will have to yell to the person beside you. Expect to see rainbows created by reflections! You might see some hippos if you get near the river. 

When to go: To swim in the Devil’s pool, it’s best to go in October or November when the water levels are lower. Otherwise you can go pretty much any time of the year. Southern hemisphere summer: October – March. 

8. New Zealand

Why it’s worth it: Oh NZ, why must you be on the ass end of the planet? I have always dreamed of visiting this country. So why don’t you go there and report back to me? It just sounds like a nature lover’s paradise! Breathtaking beaches, snow capped mountains, subtropical forests, unique Moari culture, delicious grilled meats, outdoor sports and adventures, it’s worth the 182 hour flight with 7 stopovers, is it not? I think this destination might be THE ULTIMATE destination on this list, which is why it might be more beefed up. 

What to expect: Indigenous Maori cultural ceremonies, extreme sports, top notch wine farms, diverse scenery and extremely kind people. Expect geothermal hot pools, architectural wonders and loads of outdoor hiking experiences. 

When to go: Southern Hemisphere summer usually starts around November and can run until late April. February is usually the warmest month if that’s what you are looking for. 


9. Mozambique, Africa

Why it’s worth it: Because it is quickly rising as an African destination that will soon rival the Seychelles and Zanzibar! Traveling to destinations that are not yet spoiled by heavy loads of tourism is the most exciting kind of travel. Mozambique has pristine beaches, world class luxury hotels and resorts, and impeccable diving. It is also still an affordable holiday destination. Hurry up and explore this place before it becomes saturated. 

What to expect: Expect to play it safe. This is still Africa. Don’t walk around with expensive things. Don’t walk around alone at night. Expect to hear Portuguese as it is their main language. You can expect to use three different currencies: The USD, The South Africa Rand and Mozambican Metical. Expect to indulge in the catch of the day as fish seems to be their main choice. Discover Caribbean style beaches and little local villages. 

When to go: If you are keen to view game / go on a safari, go between September and November. The dry season is from April until December. 

10. Oaxaca, Mexico

Why it’s worth it: I am embarrassed to admit that I have been to Mexico probably over 20 times and have never visited Oaxaca. I can assure you that it is high up on my list. From what I have heard from other travelers, Oaxaca is worth visiting because of its world famous flavors and street food (including delicious “Mole”), inspiring ancient ruins like Monte Alban, revolutionary restaurants and cuisine and endless Mezcals to sip the afternoon away. 

What to expect: Expect a foodie culture that will blow your mind. Expect to taste different Mexican Mole recipes and taste locally made Mezcals. Expect a cooler climate compared to the rest of the country. Expect to do lots of walking as this is very much a walking city. 

When to go: Anytime of the year except during the rainy season which is June-September. 


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