Are You Cut Out For Nomad Life?


Written by Sally Golan
Edited by John Orquiola

The top 5 personality traits you need in order to be a full time traveler – first edition

Do you have what it takes to be a digital nomad? A permanent wander luster? A global citizen? A true nomad is someone who has no home base. Someone who travels from country to country, never returning “home.” Like me!  I do not have a base, I do not have an official home, and I do not keep a place all year round where I “return.” There is no returning for me, only going forward. For 99% of the world, this lifestyle is considered scary AF. 

So… do you have what it takes to live the life of a traveling warrior? 

Here are the top 5 personality traits and characteristics that I believe you must possess in order to be a successful nomad. (In no order of importance.) 


You must possess: 



Openness to the world at large, to new people, and new experiences may seem obvious but you would be surprised at  how many people travel just for the sake of traveling. Openness means your heart, mind, and soul are actually open and ready to receive new information, and to be changed or affected by that new information. This type of openness involves seeking and accepting that change, on every level. Most travelers don’t realize this, but they just want to experience the same things from back home, somewhere esle. And proof of their travel are those all too important Instagram shots. Yet… they didn’t immerse in the culture, didn’t learn a new language, or form local bonds. This is OK, but this being a tourist, not a nomad. True openness to every thing in your travels is essential to being a nomad. True openness to changing, evolving and letting yourself go. Are open to constantly moving around? Open to the idea of learning a new language? Open to the idea of dating a foreigner?

People who possess Openness tend to: 

  • Embrace new things easily 
  • Constantly seek out fresh ideas, even ideas that go against their own 
  • pursue new endeavors
  • Have no problem coping with change 


Fearlessness is my favorite characteristic. It’s pure nomad vibes because it means you’re a badass. Fearlessness may be the most important attribute you must carry as a nomad. This lifestyle is not for shaky chihuahuas. Now, fear is a healthy emotion but it cannot dominate your decision-making process when it comes to being a world traveler. Should you be afraid to jump off a cliff in Croatia and possibly bash your head open? Yes. But should you be afraid to book that one way ticket to Southern Turkey having never been there and knowing no one? No.

As a nomad, fearlessness will allow you to keep going and to have longevity in this lifestyle. Because you will always be faced with setbacks and unexpected events, you will need to keep moving with courage and faith that things will get better. 

Are you afraid of the idea of a one way ticket? Are you afraid of the idea of not knowing anyone when you land? When faced with unexpected situations, do you handle them like a boss or do you let fear over power your emotions? 

People who possess fearlessness tend to: 

  • Make spontaneous decisions without hesitation 
  • Come off bold and a bit “crazy” – and like it!
  • Possess unwavering confidence in unusual or “scary” situations 
  • Tend to do things that others wouldn’t dare to 


Your friends and family will think you’re crazy for being a nomad. They may admire it, but do it themselves? No way, they’re not “crazy,” like you. But a touch of “crazy” is important in order to be a nomad because this lifestyle is crazy AF. This lifestyle is for the adrenaline seekers and the movers of the world. We are even considered abnormal. I am not talking about “psycho” crazy. I am talking about “adventurous” and “spiritually” crazy. 

You should have enough crazy sprinkled into your personality profile to want to sell all of your belongings and give up your security to live out of a fucking suitcase. This concept alone will give you a reputation for being crazy. Believe me, I have been called all of it: “crazy, bold, wild, uninhabited, nuts…” and I take it all as a compliment.  Do you find yourself daydreaming about absolutely wild adventurous? Have you ever been called crazy for the decisions you make in life? Does having a normal societal life give you anxiety?

People who possess a healthy touch of crazy tend to: 

  • Become restless with normal things in life 
  • Challenge daily societal norms 
  • Live outside the box lifestyles 
  • Do extreme things that might be considered risky for most 


“Healers of the mundane, destroyers of boredom, kings of edgy, we are anything but ordinary.” This was my company slogan when Social Exposure was a creatively fearless events company in New York City. Why did I choose to go with a slogan that almost prepares you for some sort of war? Because I am utterly passionate about smashing boredom in the face. I fear boredom the way one fears death. I am at war with boredom. If boredom gets you down, then nomading might be for you. It’s important to fear boredom as a part of this journey because in this lifestyle, you will NEVER be bored. Always making travel plans, always making new friends, always sightseeing, always taking photos, always working on your business… it’s the perfect life to smash boredom in the face. 

How often do you envision change for your lifestyle? Do your friend bore you because you feel they are living “life on repeat”? Are you constantly seeking adrenaline and find things like going for a casual lunch or brunch a bit too tame? 

People who fear stagnation: 

  • Are told “they can’t sit still” or seem “antsy” all the time 
  • Fear of being the same person they were a year ago, today 
  • Hate small talk 
  • Are constantly filling their social calendars 


Contrary to the old saying, curiosity does not kill the cat. Without curiosity, you cannot be a world traveler. Curiosity about every aspect of travel and about every aspect of the country you are about to visit is a nomad’s core trait. Food, sights, the culture, people, the air, the best this, the best that….. You should be asking a lot of questions, researching and writing things down because you are so bloody curious. Curiosity of new places and new cultures must have no bounds, and the desire to quench that curiosity drives you to seek and explore.. Without true curiosity, you are simply on vacation. Vacations are great, but that is not what nomading is about. Curiosity is the fuel for a nomad  to keep going forward, even through the inevitable negative experiences of traveling. 

Are you always asking questions? Are you always watching documentaries about exotic places and find yourself fascinated? Are you curious about the underbellies of certain cities as opposed to the typical? 

People who are curious : 

  • Ask a lot of questions
  • Constantly research things 
  • Challenge what they are told 
  • Use the words “I wonder” a lot

Does this sound like you? Perhaps you should consider being a nomad or a permanent global citizen! Got comments or questions? Hit me up!


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