The Top 5 Destinations to Celebrate New Year’s Eve and Ring in 2024!

  Lots of my friends have bowed out of New Year’s celebrations over the years because they find it overpriced, overrated, and over-saturated. This bums me out because regardless of all of that, I still think New Years is such a fun concept!  Getting together with the people you love, getting dressed up to the

The Top 5 Destinations to Celebrate New Year’s Eve and Ring in 2024! Read More »

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I HAVE PARTNERED WITH VACABEE TO GIVE YOU A FREE WEEKEND VACATION!  ENTER THE CONTEST HERE TO WIN!  Paying for my travels in a post covid world makes me wonder why I haven’t uploaded a profile onto www.sugardaddy.com yet. Sometimes I am just like…”fuck it today’s the day”. But I digress. I am my own

Want To Win A Free Vacation? Enter the Vacabee Launch Contest Now! Read More »