Milos Island Is The Next Santorini


Mark my words. 

Summer ain’t over yet. August is the busiest travel month and September is not any slower. The first part of October still boasts pleasant weather with surprising beach days and the towns become cooler, perfect for evening walks. So where are we headed? 


A uniquely stunning, volcanic island sitting in the southernmost part of the Cyclades island complex. With cliffside scenery, moonlike landscapes, impossibly turquoise waters and to-die-for cuisine, this island will become the next Santorini. Mark my words. 

My eyes could not believe that so much beauty could exist on one island. As I explored the coast line back in the summer of 2020, I promised myself that I would one day come back and “do more”. On Milos, there is always more. The island has been gifted with over 40 exotic beaches to uncover because of its impressive volcanic formations and unique geology. Not a lot of islands in the world can claim this. 

The energy is other worldly, magical if anything. My heart skipped beats as I took in sparkling, mineral rich rock formations that felt interplanetary. The uninterrupted night skies dazzle with a billions stars and galaxies to get lost in. The food is rich in history and brought tears to my eyes. 

Oh Milos. I feel so blessed to have explored you. So lucky to have witnessed you. So honored to have memories of you. 


“I can’t believe what I am seeing, have we landed on the moon”? I gasp as we gallop across hardened, bright white lava that has molded and shifted to a lunar-like geological phenomenon, set against azure waters dropped down from Tim-Burton-like-shaped-cliffs. This was one of the most famous locations the island has to offer: Sarakiniko Beach (you’ve seen it only in your dreams and on Instagram) and I could not wait to revel in its natural beauty. A beach (though it might as well be a heritage site) so striking and impressive, we came twice.

The first time was to take photos, prance around the lava rocks, imagine what it would be like to be a bikini-wearing-astronaut and swim in the sea. The second time was to witness an unimaginable sunset as the white lava landscape becomes brush stroked with gold by a slow setting sun, as if to set just for us lucky tourists. For a scene like this, you take a seat, you watch and you burn that memory in your mind. 

After scooting around the island to take in more spectacular beaches like Firipotomos and Firiplaka, (and this was just on our first day), we headed into town center for an evening stroll and some local cuisine. 

Some islands only have an impressive town center but mediocre beaches or other way around. Not Milos. Milos is the gift that keeps on giving. 

The town center was as romantic as romantic gets. The main town center is located in Adamantas village and does not disappoint. A dizzying maze of intertwining, cobble stoned streets lined with quaint restaurants, cafes, art galleries, local fashion design shops and trinkets. Music playing on the streets, cuddleable kittens frolicking at your feet, the temptations of local seafood dishes and the quiet, respectful murmurs of tourists enjoying the summer evening strolls.  

No. This was not the flashy Mykonos or the arrogance of Santorini. This was something that has been missing in my travels for quite some time: the under-discovered, the path less traveled, the yet-to-be-spoiled. Bless us who see magic in places where others see nothing at all. 

I remember thinking to myself “Gosh…this island reminds me so much of Santorini….but better…”

Why better?

Now don’t get me wrong, I love that classic blue and white island just as much as anybody. I experienced my first “Greek love” in Santorini back in 2013 when I was privileged enough to live there for over a month. But Milos….oh Milos….just has so much more to offer, mile for mile. While Santorini is best known for those breathtaking views of blue and white domes set against an endless Southern Aegean Sea, Milos offers you the exact same views with 20 times more unique attractions. 

Those attractions being one-of-a-kind villages like Mandrakia, a tiny Greek fishing village that was once a summer resort for local residents. Tiny houses with colorful painted doors sit lined against the sea as gentle waves crash right up against their homes. I imagined fisherman paddling up right up to their door steps with fresh catch of the day. 

Or the impeccable chef inspired cuisine at Barriello Restaurant in the quaint town of Trypiti. You will sit outdoors in a traditional town square and wonder if you’ve accidentally wandered over into Italy. The menu could rival the best of Mykonos with dishes like Lamb Picanha and Tuna Ceviche Tiger Milk. 

Or how about catching a world class sunset at the famous Plaka Castle view point? This Venetian castle requires you to climb all the way to the top where you will be gifted with a Santorini like view overlooking the entire island and the surrounding bay. The sun dips ever so slowly as tourists romantically sit on the stairs savoring every moment. 

And if that doesn’t enchant you, then how about renting a boat and heading out to the magical waters of Kleftiko where you can swim through limestone caves and find the Greek version of the movie “the beach”? Try not to cry as you realize that places like this do not exist wherever you come from. Kleftiko’s rock formations acted as the perfect hideout for ancient pirates and is only accessible by boat, making it one of the most coveted sites in all of Greece. 

Milos has burned memories into my mind that still give me goosebumps. A truly traditional island with an understated luxury and a sophisticated elegance that I can only hope doesn’t get spoiled. This is a bucket list island for any real explorer who is looking for something beyond the typical. 

“Milos is magical” 

Interested in heading to Milos? I can help you plan your holiday. Let me help you get lost in the wonders of the Greek islands. Contact me: [email protected]

Love always, 

Your digital nomad 

Sally Golan 




3 thoughts on “Milos Island Is The Next Santorini”

  1. Sally your story’s and reads are amazing. I vision myself there exploring. So much information, depth and detail.
    Excited for more reads, longer reads.

  2. Kenneth Robinson

    I love following your adventures and reading your stories .I admire your courage ,following your own path and playing by your own rules .one day I will tell my own tales .thank you

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