No. I will not tell you to go in a hot air balloon. Not because it’s not magical but because ANYONE can tell you that. It’s literally the poster photo for the entire state. There are other things to do in Cappadocia (after you’ve gone on a hot air balloon ride of course) that will unleash your imagination and take you to a land you thought only existed in Narnia. 

I loved this place! With every winding turn, the views get more and more surreal. Cappadocia is a geological phenomenon that should be listed as one of the 7 Wonders of the World. I am pretty sure Salvador Dali got his inspiration here. 

While the world of tourism tells you that the best views of Cappadocia are from above, the truth is that the real magic exists underground. There was an ancient civilization that existed here, carving out homes and hideaways like complicated ant hills. A place like this will make you ask more questions about our human past. There has got to be more to Cappadocia than a simple balloon ride. And if you tune in deep enough, this place might open up your third eye. 

Here are 7 incredibly fun and inspiring things to do in Cappadocia, all tried and tested by yours truly. 

1.The Underground City of Kaymakli

If you’re claustrophobic, maybe this place isn’t for you. Or heck, give it a shot, you might get cured! For the rest of us explorers, this is one of the funnest activities in Cappadocia. 

You will enter a preserved, underground city that leads you through a maze of narrow passageways, drop holes, tiny stairs, and cavernous rooms that will leave you wondering “what was this all used for”? 

You will imagine how ancient civilizations used these underground worlds as shelters to live in secrecy, or for protection from above threats! You will notice kids are far more adventurous and gutsy than adults as they zip around with ease and as their parents freak out over a possible slipped disc trying to maneuver their way deeper into the impossible. The tour can take an hour or as long as you like. Wear closed toe shoes. 


2.Have dinner at Seten Restaurant on top of the Sultan Cave Suites 

If you want to check “eat authentic Anatolian cuisine” off your to-do list, then this is THE place to do it. Seten Restaurant sits on top of the Cave Hotel Suites offering a stunning view of Goreme Village. 

A huge sun deck decorated with throw pillows and Turkish rugs just begs for Instagram shots as the entire Cappadocian village acts as your backdrop. The food is to die for and the prices are super affordable. I recommend ordering the Lamb shoulder served with bulgur pilaf and chickpeas. 

3.Visit the underground city of Derinkuyu 

It doesn’t get more ancient and awe inspiring than the underground city of Derinkuyu. A wonderful maze of chambers and mysterious tunnels that could once house over 20,000 people along with their food storages, life’s belongings, and livestock. 

Derinkuyu is simply a must because it is the largest excavated underground city in Turkey! If that doesn’t blow your mind, I don’t know what will! Life very much existed here and the signs are visible. Larger than life stone walls, huge rolling stones that act as vaults to close off rooms and chambers and impressively carved out tunnels that take you deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. 

  1. Have Turkish breakfast at Gurkundere Cafe, surrounded by the Fairy Chimneys

Best breakfast ever, best view ever, best vibe ever! I loved this place so much, I went 3 times. No need to ponder over a confusing menu, just sit back and let the endless plates of Turkish heaven appear one after another. 

All of their ingredients are earthy, locally sourced, and explode with flavor. Eggs how you like them, beautiful floral honeys, chocolate spreads, and turkish pastries, fresh squeezed orange juice, local sausages, tasty organic olives, and endless Turkish tea and coffee. Bye bye summer bod. 

Usually the view is great but the food sucks… not in Turkey. Not anywhere and especially not here. Enjoy a long, drawn out breakfast and then go for a short walk into the valley where you can stand amidst the fairy chimneys that surround this cute local cafe. 

  1. Visit the Fairy Chimneys open air museum in Goreme

I really enjoyed this activity. However, for some reason, I was expecting to see a more densely packed arrangement of the famous Cappadocian fairy chimneys. Instead, they are quite spread out and randomly placed in this open air museum, which makes it feel like they have almost been placed there by man. I have been assured that this is purely natural and perfectly preserved as is, LOL.

The fairy chimneys are slowly corroding away by the natural elements. It’s a stunning piece of geology that almost makes me sad to think that they could disappear one day. Just like the Dead Sea. It’s so easy to get here, any taxi will take you, and tickets can be purchased on site for next to no money. I don’t recommend going in the dead heat of the afternoon. Go early in the morning to avoid scorching desert weather. 

  1. DIY Photo shoot in one of the Cappadocian Valleys 

Grab your tripod and head out to one of the valleys: Pigeon, Red Rose, Love Valley or Monks Valley, just before sunset and get ready to get creative. Forget the typical balloon dress vibes. Bring a bag of outfits, accessories and jewelry and go nuts! 

The open air and stillness of these Cappadocian desserts will transport you and unleash your creativity, instantly. I suggest renting a car or a quad and heading over to Red Rose or Love Valley two or so hours before sunset. You will feel like you’ve landed on Mars. 

  1. Go off roading in Rose Valley

Speaking of Mars, let’s go off-roading on Mars! Or the Moon!  A pretty surreal and unique experience that can only be done in Cappadocia. Off roading adventures take you through the valleys in mega jeeps that will make you feel like you’re driving on the moon. 

Now, I’ve yet to try this out but I am most likely going to do this when I go back to Cappadocia because I think it will be hilarious fun. Lots of people that I met there said it was one of their favorite activities and that they would absolutely do it again. 

You can book a tour online with Viator or Get Your Guide or better yet, just book one when you get to Cappadocia. Plenty of tour operators have little shops in Goreme town center and you can compare prices. 


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