March 19, 2023
Sally Golan
These are strange times. It’s hard for me to think about how I want to launch a travel blog
April 25, 2023
Sally Golan
THE AIRBNB DOLL HOUSE NIGHTMARE on a Greek Island filled with witches and weirdos Written by Sally Golan Edited by John Orquiola CHAPTER ONE: HOUSE OF DOLLS I swear, I should have sued Airbnb for allowing this house to exist on their platform. This memory will haunt me for the rest of my life and...
January 23, 2024
Sally Golan
“You should skip Bangkok, it sucks” – an American friend casually spits as I consult with them on how to smartly spend my first ever visit to Asia, starting with Thailand. “It’s dirty, smoggy, busy and boring”. Oh, how wrong they were. Bangkok blew my mind and not just because my expectations...
May 22, 2024
Sally Golan
There is Magic in Istanbul: May 13th, 2024 By: Sally Golan BORED ON AN ISLAND Summer 2021 It was July 2021 and I was crispy brown and bored. Sitting at the beach club in Crete, Greece, for what felt like the billionth time, I felt no sparkle, no jazz, no magic. Just sweaty and a bit agitated (or...
October 26, 2023
Sally Golan
A POEM FOR OUR HURTING SOULS Written by: Sally Golan And here I was thinking that traveling the world would make me “tougher”. It hasn’t. Not one bit. I am more sensitive than ever, more aware than ever, more connected than ever to the pure love, the pure nature of humanity and the pure evils of our...
July 14, 2023
Sally Golan
The Things I’ve Learned while traveling the world. If only you could hear the poetry in my mind as I roam the globe solo. This lifestyle has made me a warrior. There are some things that I never knew I needed to learn while embarking on this journey. I have changed so much, evolved so much, I...
February 18, 2024
Sally Golan
Chapter 1: Hooked. I literally never thought I would (quit bodybuilding). I thought I found a sport that I was going to do for life. Little did I know that I was causing myself such immense damage both physically and mentally and that I would eventually tire out, get injured, and lose...
June 8, 2023
Sally Golan
“Sleeping Beauty” This is a true story. Berlin, Germany, May 2014 “They sentenced me to 20 years of boredom For trying to change the system from within I’m coming now, I’m coming to reward them First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin” – Leonard Cohen I was a party animal....
March 16, 2023
Sally Golan
“I wanna meet new people, I wanna meet new people, I wanna meet new people” I repeat to myself one sticky afternoon in Playa Del Carmen as I swipe through Tinder profiles judging myself hard. “This isn’t about the love of your life Golan…
May 7, 2023
Sally Golan
Has Instagram ruined the authenticity of travel? I think yes. The boat was nearing a little cove. White cliffs amidst a crisp blue sky. The dramatic colors of the sea. “Quick, take a shot of my perky ass while I look out into the distance” – Instaho. This is not an “open letter” to all of the...
September 15, 2022
Sally Golan
You’ve heard the term before. Digital Nomad. You probably have your own preconceived notions of what that even means. Smelly, homeless backpacker who “makes money online selling life coaching sessions” and travels from hostel to hostel. That…is not me. So who am I...?
October 22, 2022
Sally Golan
Let me be clear about something. I HATE BEING BORED! I’ve always thought of myself as a warrior of boredom. I think the main culprit of bad decision-making and depression is boredom. We don’t realize it, but when our brains are not stimulated,
October 21, 2024
Sally Golan
This is a story about how I went to Bali just to see what their toilet paper is like. I learned that sometimes… there isn’t any. I was warned about “Bali Belly” by one of my sweet Italian friends. She made it sound like a rite of passage. I, being the world traveler that I am, was no stranger to toilet-bound...
December 29, 2024
Sally Golan
I miss opening my window in the morning and breathing in marine scented ocean air. That seaweed smell, that salty breeze, so pungent, so intense, so damn delicious. I miss running screaming into the freezing cold Atlantic only to find it nearly impossible to go all the way in. But one day, I will...